The only Kmart in our area is the Super Kmart on Rivers Avenue in North Charleston, SC. For those of you in the area - Super Kmart will soon only be a Kmart store. It's really no surprise, since other than their Super Doubles Events - I rarely set foot in the store. They simply can't keep up with the other grocery stores in the area as far as price and customer service.
I haven't been in recently, but from what I understand they are selling down all of their grocery departments. DJ over at Groceries4Free let me know that now they've marked down everything 40%. I'm hoping to get in the store soon to see what kind of deals I can work up. As far as Super Doubles are concerned, I would start holding on to all of your high value Health & Beauty and Paper Goods coupons - as these will likely still be in the set for the new store. I'll let you know what I find out as soon as I can get some more info! Until then...If you get a chance to stop in and get some deals, let me know what you find!
I was in there this morning and all groceries are 20% off. They are still pretty stocked with stuff!