One of my best friends has a little boy with very severe allergies. I feel so bad for him, since he's getting to an age where he realizes that he can't have what everyone else can(including his big brother)! I also feel so horrible for her, because I can't begin to imagine the fear goes through every day. Ever notice how relatives always want to feed a baby?!
Since her insurance doesn't cover her son's EpiPen, I was so glad when I found this site.
CAS (Center for Anaphylatic Support) has great information and resources for severe allergy sufferers. There's also a great EpiPen refill reminder - so you'll always have it, just in case. You can also sign up here and you'll get a $5 Pharmacy Check good towards your purchase of an EpiPen or EpiPen Jr. Auto-Injector (with a qualifying prescription).
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